The 2022 MERSC Quarterly Workshop Held in Adama

The 2022 MERSC Quarterly Workshop Held in Adama

The First quarterly meeting in 2022 was held in Adama. Dr. Aregash Samuel, senior researcher and NIPN coordinator opened the workshop by giving a welcoming address.

She reminded the role of EPHI as chair of the MER SC and a technical arm of the Federal Ministry of Health (MOH). She recognized the contribution of the MER SC in improving the current nutrition policies and programs and members’ involvement in the National Food and Nutrition Strategy (NFNS). Dr Aregash acknowledged the active participation of stakeholders and partner organizations

The meeting was organized with the below key agendas: -

  • Revised HMIS Tool and multi-sectoral FN scorecard indicators
  • The revised TOR presentation (Assign working group for the MER SC)
  • The Seqota Declaration Expansion Phase
  • A rapid review of the landscape of nutrition data financing in Ethiopia
  • Biofortification in Ethiopia: Challenges, Opportunities, and Factors Influencing Consumption and Production

Lively discussion sessions followed each presentation and group work on how to assign working group for the MERSC. The meeting was attended by 30 MER SC members from different sectors working on nutrition. Please click HERE to access the presentation.