NIPN rapid guideline for rapid literature review

NIPN rapid guideline for rapid literature review

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As part of the implementation of the NIPN operational cycle in Ethiopia, a set of priority policy questions were identified in 2019. Responses to most of these policy questions will be based on analysis of existing data, but a rapid literature review will help to refine the policy questions and provide useful information to guide the analysis. A rapid literature review will ensure that the NIPN analysis considers existing global evidence. In addition, some of the policy questions can be answered by a synthesis of existing evidence through a rapid literature review. To support this process, EPHI's partner for NIPN, the International Food Policy Research Institute, has developed a guideline which provides the NIPN team with the necessary steps it should take to complete a rapid literature review. This guideline considers lessons learned during the "learning by doing research project" implemented under NIPN in 2018 and is inspired by various other learning events at EPHI. To demonstrate how some of this guidance can be implemented,  the guideline also uses sample questions from the 2019 policy question formulation process. For more information, please download the guideline here.

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