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Regional Nutrition Dashboard 

National Information Platform for Nutrition (NIPN)

Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI)




What is Malnutrition?

Malnutrition occurs due to lack of proper nutrition that is needed to maintain health and wellbeing. Undernutrition and overnutrtion are two forms of malnutrtion. Undernutrition is manifested as stunting, wasting, underweight and micronutrient deficiencies. Overweight and obesity are manifestations of overnutrition. Although advances have been made in the past decade, the burden of malnutrition remains high across all regions in Ethiopia. 

Why is it important to invest in nutrition?

Malnutrition increases disease burden and lowers productivity. In contrast, good nutrition i s necessary to reduce poverty, drive economic growth and achieve sustainable development. The annual cost associated with child undernutrition is estimated at 55.5 billion Ethiopian birr (ETB), equivalent to 16.5% of  gross domestic product.

This dashboard presents nutrition related information to enable  decision-makers monitor status of indicators when defining priorities.

What causes malnutrition and how to improve it?

Nipn Dashboard


What is the current regional nutrition situation?

          Child malnutrition         

Stunting is an indicator of chronic undernutrition. Stunted children are short for their age. Poor school performance and reduced productivity are some of the long term consequences of stunting.

Stunting trends among children aged under-five years (2000-2016)1,2,3

Source EDHS

Value measure





Points for discussion

- Although stunting is declining nationaly, this decline is not uniform. Some regions still have

   very high stunting prevalence. Interventions that improve nutrtional status are still needed in        

   all regions in Ethiopia.

- Does the rate of stunting reduction differ across regions? What factors explain differences?

- What explains the stunting increase observed in some regions?

What is the current regional nutrition situation?

          Child malnutrition         

Wasting is an indicator of acute undernutrtion and usually occurs due to rapid weight loss due to illness or low food intake. A wasting prevalence above 5% is a cutoff for public health significance.

Source EDHS

Points for discussion

- What can explain the regional variations in child nutrition indicators?

- How do anemia rates in some regions compare to the national average?

- Is there similar variation in the nutrition determinants and intervention coverage?

What is the current regional nutrition situation?

          Women malnutrition         

Women’s nutrition is a key determinant of child nutrition and wellbeing. Hence, improvement of women’s nutrition is an important component of malnutrition reduction efforts.

Low Body Mass Index (BMI) is an indicator of chronic undernutrtion in women.
Anemia in women increases risk of maternal mortality and poor birth outcomes.


Source EDHSThe  increase in overweight among urban women highlights the need for more interventions in this area.


Points for discussion

- Prevalence of anemia among women remains a public health issue with most regions having anemia rates greater than the 12% target set by the NNP II.

- What explains the diffrence in rate of incrase of obesity in urban Vs rural women?

Immediate determinants of malnutrition

          Infant and Young Child Feeding         

Percent of children 0-6 months who are exclusively breastfed (2016)3 .EthioYellow
Percent of children 6-24 month who consume 4 or more food groups (MDD) (2016)3 .EthioBlue

          Disease Burden         

High diarrhea prevalence, low exclusive breastfeeding rates, and low dietary diversity directly contribute to stunting in children.

Source EDHS



Points for discussion

-  Child minmum diet diversity (MDD) is very low with all regions being below the 40% NNP II target.

- Is the low rate of dietary diversity seen in some regions reflected in child anthropometric indicators

    such as stunting?

- Why is child dietary diversity so low in most regions?

Which nutrition-specific interventions  are implemented?

Deworming reduces parasitic infections that cause anemia.


Points for discussion

-  Is the coverage of corresponding interventions aligned with the need?

- Do the regions with high rates of diarrhea also have high Oral Reahudraten Slat (ORS) use during illness?


Underlying and basic determinants of malnutrition

          Status of Women          

          Socioeconomic status          

          Food security          

          Water Sanitation & Hygiene       

Basic water and sanitaion coverage is importatnt to reduce diasese incidence which is an immediate determiant of undernutrition.

Basic drinking water refers to drinking water from an improved source, provided collection time is not more than 30 minute.

Source EDHS



Points for discussion

-  Is the coverage of corresponding interventions aligned with the need?

- Is adequate attention given to tracking nutrition-sensitive interventions?

Which nutrition-sensitive interventions are implemented?

Budget allocation to nutrition

Enabling environment


A MultiSectoral National Nutrition coordination body oversees implementation of the National Nutrition Program II.

Legislative provisions

Salt iodization
Flour fortification
Vegetable oil fortification
Adoption of international code of marketing of breastmilk substitutes

Data Sources and abbreviations

          Data sources          

1. CSA (Central Statistical Agency) and ICF International. 2006. Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey 2005. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Calverton, MD, USA: CSA and ICF International.

2.CSA (Central Statistical Agency) and ICF International. 2012. Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey 2011. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Calverton, MD, USA: CSA and ICF International.

3.CSA (Central Statistical Agency) and ICF International. 2017. Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey 2016 Key Indicators Report. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Calverton, MD, USA: CSA and ICF International.

4. Central Statistical Agency [Ethiopia]. 2012. Household Consumption and Expenditure (HCE) Survey 2010/11: Statistical Report. Addis Ababa: Central Statistical Agency.  

5. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Helath.Tracking Funding for Nutrition in Ethiopia Across sectors. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Web site:, P.O.Box 1234

          Abbreviations          Abbrivations


Credits : This dashboard was designed with inspiration from the SUN movement (web link: POSHAN initiative - India (web link:, we would like to thank them for their collaboration.


The National Information Platform for Nutrition (NIPN) is part of a global initiative supported by European Union Delegation, DIFD and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. NIPN is hosted by the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) and technical support is provided by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
